Thursday, 18 September 2008

More details on the Core Strategy

Having now had a chance to read the inspectors full report, his conclusions are pleasing.

One of the most critical issues the Inspector had to deal with was whether the Council’s strategy for ensuring enough housing is provided while protecting the Green Belt was the right one.He thought it was which is great news for the Green Belt.

A particular additional success was his support for the policy to curtail the activities for garden grabbers which will allow TDC to refuse planning permission for housing schemes of five houses and over on residential garden land, where there is an oversupply of housing.

The Inspector also supported the policies on character, design and density. The Inspector strengthened the policy on town centres by including a reference to the former Rose & Young site in Croydon Road, Caterham and the Oxted gasholder site, because of the importance the Council attaches to the redevelopment of these.

The Inspector has asked the Council to carry out an early review of two particular policies; affordable housing. and the infilling of the villages designated as Green Belt Settlements. But otherwise, apart from some minor criticism of the drafting the Policy was supported.

The Council will now be in a much better position to defend the district against unsuitable development.