The Planning Inspector has declared TDC's Core Strategy to be “sound”. This is only the second Core Strategy to be accepted in Surrey.
This is superb news for residents as it will now be easier to protect Tandridge from inappropriate development. And a superb result for the Council Officers, who worked so hard to convince the Inspector that the proposal from Tandridge's, supported by elected Councillors from all parties AND also local residents, should be adopted and not dismissed as some self-interested developers would have had it.
The Core Strategy is a blueprint for the future development of Tandridge District and was the subject of a public Examination by the Inspector in June and July 2008. The event caused a lot of public interest, including large crowds outside the Council Offices in Oxted.
Some developers and landowners objected to the Core Strategy because they felt it did not allow enough new development. The Council’s approach, based on restraint, has been supported by the Planning Inspector and he has declared the document is sound.
The Inspector’s report is currently being factually checked before it can be made available. Once published, it can be adopted and used to help decide planning applications.