I am still trying to catch up with things from the last couple of weeks and I finally got around to reading Direct Democracy's first 'Localist Paper' 'Open Politics' on how we might restore our democracy, which includes a number of measures to restore power to the people and repair our constitution.
Having had a think - here's my eight (some of which I have borrowed from them):
1. Devolve the power the Scots Parliament has in Scotland to Councils in England with the principle that power goes to the lowest sensible level
2. Reform council governance - allow local people to determine the structure of council that best suits their needs.
3. Bring all quangos under democratic control (whether that be Parliament, or better still for bodies such as NHS primary care trusts to county and district councils)
4. Allow local people to choose (via the ballot box) what services their council provides and how they do it (including how they charge for it)
5. Referenda should be held on all constitutional changes (Europe, Devolution etc)
6. End the Crown Prerogative for senior appointments and hold confirmation hearings in parliament
7. Reformed House of Lords should be a Chamber of the Regions, with councillors representing the counties, cities, boroughs and districts
8. Introduce a new Bill of Rights
Any views?