Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Goodbye Mr Blair

So that's it then.

I remember very well the night Blair came to power. I was a student and, as a Conservative supporter, was distinctly in the minority as I watched the results rolled in at an Election Night party to the many cheers of those around me. Even so it was hard not to feel some of the optimism of those fellow party goers - the Conservative Government was tired and a change was needed. Ten years on, and I have spent the whole of my working life to date under a Labour Government. Looking back it could have been worse, and I expect under other Labour leaders it would have been, (but then again any other Labour leader probably wouldn't have lasted so long) and Blair has some successes to his name especially ending the terror in Northern Ireland. But today I again feel optimistic, as the countdown to the next Conservative government has started. Mr Brown may have some more surprises lined up, but fundamentally his is a tired government heading to the end of its natural life.

Blair was undoubtedly one of the most successful British politicians, and his reforming of the Labour Party to make them electable is perhaps his lasting legacy, but I suspect his record as a Prime Minister will be judged as a time of wasted opportunity and government by gimmick.