I returned yesterday from a rather shorter trip than I had originally intended to Conservative Party conference, the current extreme financial market conditions requiring me to be at work instead.
However I was able to hear Eric Pickles, the Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government announce a commitment to allow councils that have dropped weekly refuse collections restore them under a Conservative Government. In Tandridge we have resisted the financial pressures to leave rubbish festering for a fortnight and what's more we have done this while extending the weekly curbside recycling scheme.
And in the same week therefore it is great that the Council have announced that our weekly recycling service, which includes the collection of plastic bottles, will be rolled out across the whole of Tandridge district from 2 February 2009. That means an additional 18,000 homes in Tandridge will be able to take part and have recycling collected every week. And on the same day as the bins are emptied. This means all rubbish - black bags for landfill and reusable waste for recycling can be easily disposed of on the same day.