Friday, 27 June 2008

People are so very good.

On Wednesday my wife and daughters were involved in a car crash. None of them were seriously hurt though my wife got a burn on her arm from the airbag. I am awaiting confirmation from the insurance company but I expect the car to be written off.

The crash happened at about 2.30pm. By 2.40 a passer by had called me on my mobile to let me know what had happend. Co-incidently I was on a train pulling into Oxted at the time and was therefore able to jump in a cab and hotfoot it to the scene of the crash.

When I got there the police and paramedics were on site as were 15 or so passers by. All without exception were so very kind and helpful to us all - my wife and girls were got out of the car by an off duty nurse and her daughter who sat with them until we were taken to East Surrey to be checked out; a number of people offered to drive me where ever we needed to go; one local resident invited me in if I needed to wait. The police and ambulance staff treated us very kindly and professionally as did the staff at East Surrey.

The incident while distressing has really renewed my faith in people. When the chips are down people are there for you. Thank you all