Tuesday, 1 January 2008


Happy New Year to all readers of this blog.

I thought I would start the year by setting out ten of the issues - five national and five local - that I expect to figure prominently in the year ahead. (I have ignored the big global challenges of the threats from terrorism and global warming)


As we celebrate 60 years of the NHS a system where vital medical care is freely available at the point of need remains a cornerstone of modern society, but why given the colossal amounts of our taxes the Government spent on them are hospitals like East Surrey so badly run, which is clearly illustrated by their having to close the A&E department at the busiest times of year.

We need to end the state monopoly of education provision. Luckily most schools in Tandridge are good, but when schools like Oxted are so popular that children are being squeezed out parents need to be able to have a realistic alternative to busing their children for miles each day.

The first role of Government is to protect the rule of law. We need a prisons policy that works to protect society and rehabilitate offenders, and not facilitate the early release of violent criminals because poor planning has led to prisons being full.

Better targeted benefits are needed to remove social failure not reinforce it. Effective measures are needed to promote aspiration and opportunity in pockets of deprivation where hope is gone and generations spend their whole lives on benefits.

With this current Government more controlling than any since the second world war, the desire for power to be returned to individuals and local communities highlighting that the best decisions are taken by local people for local people.


Environment - In Oxted South, after its successful start in October we have the first full year of a weekly recycling collection to look forward to and the assurance that weekly rubbish collections will continue.

Road Safety - Following approval in December by the County Council's local committee, a new pavement and parking restrictions will by implemented by the junction of Mill Lane and Hurst Green Road to curb the current dangerous parking and give safer access to pedestrians.

Tandridge District Council Elections will take place in May. On the back of the high satisfaction ratings given by residents of Tandridge in a national survey the Conservative Administration will hope to strengthen control. In Oxted South we will be looking to reelect a Conservative Councillor.

Planning - Local councillors will be looking to ensure that all planning developments contribute to the maintenance and strengthening of local infrastructure and that inappropriate development is resisted..

The police, Tandridge and Surrey County councils and local people will all continue to work together to crack down on anti social behaviour in the locality.