Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Education & Crime

The Times reported today that the Government's £3 billion series of policies designed to boost the achievements of pre-school children has had no effect on the development levels of those entering primary school. Although there have been big changes in early years education, children’s vocabulary and their ability to count and to recognise letters, shapes and rhymes are no different now than they were six years ago.

I was particularly sad to note that this included the Sure Start Scheme, which is aimed at increasing the educational achievements of those in deprived areas. The tragic murder of Rhys Jones, shows just how important it is to improve the achievements and aspirations of young people living in deprived inner city areas. As a country we need to be tough on crime, tough on criminals, and be tough on its causes - poor educational achievement, indiscipline in schools, family breakdown, welfare dependency & gang culture. And to do this we need to take a long term approach and be honest that it may take a generation to fix.