Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Where's the radicalism Mr Brown?

The new PM's statement on the constitution, while containing some good proposals to limit the use of Prerogative Powers and increase scrutiny over key public appointments has done little to answer the biggest questions facing our constitution. His appointment of regional ministers makes clear that he is not committed to local democracy, but quite the reverse, entrenching the power of central government over local issues.

So I have two questions

1. Why did he not attempt to complete the devolution settlement? Limiting discussion of English issues to English MPs is the only fair and practical solution to Scottish and Welsh devolution.

2. Why did he not return the powers held by the regions to local communities? That together with giving local people real powers over planning, local quangos like NHS PCTs and the police would do more to reengage people with politics than gimmicks like citizens juries.