Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Shed Burglaries

Police have warned that there have been a number of break-ins to sheds and outbuildings in the Oxted area. Residents are warned to be on their guard.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

County Promise Fewer Potholes

Surrey County Council has budgeted to spend an extra £2.3million on the county's highways in the coming year. The council has agreed a budget of £53.9million, 4% more than the £51.6million allocated for 2008/09.
And nearly £6million of that will be spent on smaller repairs. Each year the council deals with roughly 40,000 minor defects and 10,000 emergency call-outs.

I hope this will continue the recent trend of potholes being fixed quickly, rather than being left to get worse. However, I also hope the County will look at ways to make more lasting repairs to areas which are subject of repeated potholes. The roads around Greenhurst Lane/Hurstlands and Wolfs Row are good examples where the same holes keep reappearing.